🔥🔥🔥前段时间,IT内推群里有几位小伙伴们去惠灵顿的BNZ银行面试了数据分析职位。 🍀🍀🍀当时参加面试的小伙伴有之前是会计和商科背景转行做数据分析的,也是之前IT专业毕业后做数据分析的。因为面试的是同一个岗位,遇到的面试题都差不多。 🌟🌟🌟大家下来根据回忆和当时面试的记忆,把遇到的面试考题一起汇总,给大家分享出来,供大家参考。 🌈🌈🌈希望对那些以后想去银行工作,或想学习数据分析的小伙伴们有帮助。 🔍How a bank makes profit? 🔍Tell me about a data analytics project you have worked on 🔍Tell us a scenario where you have handled large scale data. 🔍what is regression 🔍how to remove duplicates without distinct. 🔍How to treat missing and null values 🔍How to divide a set of numbers into exactly 2 groups. 🔍What is the covariance of three random variables? 🔍What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING? 🔍Difference between table and view,stored procedure and function,wildcards. 🌻🌻🌻后面也会继续给大家更多本地的求职信息,面试经验。希望能帮到大家。 #新西兰求职#新西兰留学移民#新西兰找工作#留学新西兰 |